前美國軍事情報軍官少校及遙視者Ed Dames於4月再度開腔,提及現時時局及Killshot的最新資訊。

2017 Killshot 最新資訊(1)先兆標記逐步應驗
直至2017年4月17日,Ed Dames才再次出現,接受電台Coast to Coast的訪問,談及毀滅地球的太陽風Killshot的最新資訊。
When is this Killshot going to occur, where mine is outside of times. We have a very difficult, difficult time in pinpointing, fixing a position calendrically on when an event is going to happen. So that we turn our attention to the nearest preceding events, large events that would be harbingers for this Killshot. This massive solar flare that I have talked about so often and one of the key events was that this detonation of a nuclear device on the Korean peninsula.
至於Killshot何時會出現, 由於思想是處於時間之外, 我們難以為事件在日期上作出準確定位,所以我們專注於在此事發生前的重大事件,那些事件是Killshot的先兆。也就是我常常提及的超級太陽耀斑,而其中一件關鍵事件就是朝鮮半島核爆。
現時,各國政府因著預備大災難而建立的挪威種子庫, 亦剛剛加入了五十萬種子,及增加了另一個種子庫。
Let go through some precursors of the Killshot. What are governments doing right now to try to prepare for this?
Well, as you know, after a couple of mega flares that I predicted in a special warning in 2014, which created a whole new band, a logarithmic band for flares. They call it a mega flare beyond the x-range of flares. Governments began to realize that Earth is cooked. You know, figuratively speaking and literally in some parts. If something is not done to save mankind. It’s analogous to the US continuity of government COG programs, maintaining government programs. All superpowers have them. So the seed vault in Norway particularly. The Russians have their own but Norwegian is an international seed vault, which just added another half a million seed species to it. It is a way of preserving, instead of continuity of consciousness the continuity of mankind. We can replant the Earth.
And by the way there are no genetically modified organisms in that seed vault. It was very, very well protected, extremely protected and probably could survive the worst of a mega flare probably, not guaranteed and then we could replant and then rebuild after extreme Armageddon-like catastrophe.
如你所知,我在2014年特別警報中,預測到幾個超級太陽耀斑出現,事件中人們對太陽耀斑強度的有了全新定義。他們稱之為超級太陽耀斑,超出X級太陽耀斑之外, 自此各國政府開始意識到地球正在被煮熟, 無論是比喻或實際上都是。假如政府不作出行動來拯救人類, 就類似美國政府有「續政計劃」來確保政府能延續, 所有超越強國都有這樣的計劃。特別是挪威的種子庫, 俄羅斯也有自己的種子庫,但挪威那個是國際性的,並且剛剛新增了50萬種子品種。這不是保持社會運作的方案,而是讓人類得以延續的方案, 讓我們能在地球上重新種植。
'Doomsday' Library Joins Seed Vault in Arctic Norway