聖經《以賽亞書》預言,有一日以色列地將會由一個沙漠變為綠洲,並且佈滿生物,這是主耶穌回來的其中一個徵兆。主後 70 年以色列完全亡國,並且分散到各地居住, 這 1900 多年間,以色列地變成了一片沙漠。 但是,自從 1948 年以色列立國後,以色列地在今天已漸漸變成一片綠洲。
以賽亞書 35 章 1-2 節: 「曠野和乾旱之地必然歡喜;沙漠也必快樂;又像玫瑰開花,必開花繁盛,樂上加樂,而且歡呼。 黎巴嫩的榮耀,並迦密與沙崙的華美,必賜給它。人必看見耶和華的榮耀,我們 神的華美。」
以賽亞書 35 章 6-7 節: 「那時,瘸子必跳躍像鹿;啞巴的舌頭必能歌唱。在曠野必有水發出;在沙漠必有河湧流。發光的 沙(或譯:蜃樓)要變為水池;乾渴之地要變為泉源。在野狗躺臥之處,必有青草、蘆葦,和蒲草。」
以下影片是由傳道人 Perry Stone,於 2014 年在他帶領的 Manna Fest 聖地旅行團中攝製。 過程中,他向團友介紹《以賽亞書》的預言,是如何應驗在今天的以色列。Perry Stone 是美國一所靈恩教會組織 Voice of Evangelism 的領導人,今年 53 歲。 他是家庭中第四代傳道人,由十六歲已經開始傳道。 亦是美國基督教電視網絡節目,包括 TBN、Daystar 及 INSP 等的常客, 以分享《聖經》末世信息為主。
YouTube 影片:742 Prophecies Fulfilled In Israel Proof of His Return
先知以賽亞在《以賽亞書‧31 章》(35 章)提到:曠野和乾旱之地必然歡喜,沙漠也必快樂;又像玫瑰開花,必開花繁盛,樂上加樂,而且歡呼,利巴嫩的榮耀,並迦密與沙崙的華美,必賜給他, 人必看見耶和華的榮耀,我們神的華美,你們要使軟弱的手堅壯,無力的膝穩固,對膽怯的人說: 你們要剛強,不要懼怕。
The prophet Isaiah said this in Isaiah chapter 31(35). The wilderness and the wasteland should be glad for them and the desert should rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the excellency of our God. Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, Be strong, do not fear.
看哪,你們的神必來報仇,必來施行極大的報應;他必來拯救你們。那時,瞎子的眼必睜開;聾子的耳必開通,那時瘸子必跳躍像鹿,啞吧的舌頭必能歌唱。這裡就是那重要的預言,我希望你們聽清楚。. 在曠野必有水發出;在沙漠必有河湧流。發光的沙(或作蜃樓)要變為水池,乾渴之地要變為泉源。在野狗躺臥之處,必有青草、蘆葦和蒲草,在那裡必有一條大道。大家開始意會到你們所處的地方了吧!這稱為聖路。污穢人不得經過,必專為贖民行走;行路的人雖愚昧,也不至失迷。
Behold, your God will come with vengeance. And with recompence of God; He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind should be opened; the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The lame shall leap as a hart; the tongue of the dumb shall sing. Now, here is the important prophecy, I want you to listen to this. The parched… it says this. Waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, streams in the desertThe parched ground shall become a pool. And the thirsty land springs of waters. In the habitation of jackals where each shall lay, there shall be grass with reeds and rushes. And a highway shall be there. The groups are already getting it 'cause you're here. And a road, it shall be called the highway of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. But it shall be for the others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray,
讓我讀到這裡,介紹一下我們所在的地方。《以賽亞書‧35 章》提到沙漠將會像玫瑰般開花,當中希伯來文字「arabah」。有些《聖經》譯本正確地直接譯作「Arabah」也必快樂;又像玫瑰開花。
Now, let me stop at that reading and explain to you where I am. In Isaiah chapter 35, where it says the desert shall blossom like a rose. It is the Hebrew word "arabah”. Now some of the translations of the Bible actually translate it correctly, where it says the “arabah” shall rejoice and blossom like a rose.
我以前從不知道所指的是哪地方,直至多年前我朋友 Gideon Shaw 帶我們到這裡,並讓我知道這裡曾發生的事。現在假若我們回到大約 25 至 50 年前,並朝著死海的南方一直走。多少人知道我們曾這樣做?我們曾朝著死海的南方走,如果你一直朝著死海的南方走,一直向南走到一處名為阿卡巴灣的地方,離這裡大約 110 至 120 英里。你會看到一個沙漠,一邊你會看到約旦的山群、以東和摩押地。而以色列那邊會看到猶太地曠野,有著崎嶇山嶺,中間的一段路是完全的荒涼。多年前這裡一直是這樣子,在這地區耕種可說是天方夜譚。為甚麼?沒有水源!你必頇先有水源,才能發展農業。
I never knew where this area was until my friend Gideon Shaw many years ago, brought us into this area and began to show me what was happening here. Now, if we were to go back, let's say anywhere between 25 to 50 years ago and you were to travel south of the Dead Sea. How many know we've done that? We’ ve traveled south of the Dead Sea.
If you were to travel south of the Dead Sea and you were to come south all the way down to what's called the Gulf of Aqaba, which is about 110 to 120 miles from here.
You would see a desert you would see the mountains of Jordan, Edom and Moab on one side and you would see the rugged mountains at the bottom part of where the Judean wilderness ends on the Israeli side, and in the middle would be a road and it would be totally desolate. Now years ago that's exactly what this area looked like. The idea of a farm being in this area absolutely was impossible. Why? No water! You have to have water in order for there to be a farm.
我談到死海下方到阿卡巴灣的原因,是因為這個地區在希伯來文是 Arava。. 換句話說,我現在所站之地,就是 Arava 的中心,稱為 Arava 裂谷,就是從死海的南方一直到阿卡 巴灣。這又有甚麼特別之處呢?令人興奮的是多年之前,美國的人造衛星曾為此處拍攝了一些地底照片。他們在這片沙漠的地底下 看到些東西,並通知了以色列當局來這裡。他們進行鑽探,約 1,500 英尺深,你猜發生了甚麼事?竟然有水開始從地下噴出!《聖經》中以賽亞預言 Arabah 將要變為水池。
Now the reason I'm telling you about the bottom part of the Dead Sea all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba is that, this is the area in Hebrew called the Arava. In other words where I'm standing right here right now is the heart of the Arava, called the Arava rift that comes all the way from the southern part of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of AqabaYou say what's so exciting about that? Here's what's exciting: Many years ago, a satellite from the United States was taking satellite imagery underground in Israel this part of the desert, and they saw something underground and they told the Israelis about it and they came to this spot. They drilled down about 1,500 feet and guess what happened? Water from underground started shooting up out of the ground. Now the Bible says in Isaiah that in the arabah there will be a pool.
先生女士們,來看看我們所站立的地方,正正就有一個水塘。但更重要的是,若你讀以賽亞的預言,它說水池之後,會出現青草。而大家正是坐在草地上,它也說這裡會有蘆葦和蒲草。那在希伯來文的意思,就是你們現時看到水 塘周圍的植物。
Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to look at where I’m standing. We are in an area where there is a pool. but more importantly than that, if you begin to read the prophecy of Isaiah it says there will be a pool there; then it says there will be grass there. Our people are sitting right now on grass. It says that there will be reeds there and rushes that is the Hebrew word for everything that you see growing around this lake of water.
你可能會問,水塘又有甚麼大不了?這水塘卻大有文章, And you say, so it's like a water, what's the big deal? 這些地下水是原生水,用以灌溉整個 Arava 地區,所以現時整個區域都有農田生產食物,有些地方 甚至一年有兩造收成。這些水略帶鹽份,水溫處於 72 度,作為耕種是非常理想的水源。現在我想帶出一點,在 25 至 50 年前,遠至以賽亞身處的時代,這裡是完全荒涼的。現在卻佈滿農田,你們也是從死海一直走到這裡來的。你們該看到溫室,看到覆蓋著蕃茄植株的地方,我為之讚歎,因為有次我們來到這裡,走進農場看看他們種甚麼。當中竟然有辣椒和香瓜,事實上,當歐洲處於寒冷的冬季時,他們可以出口各種香瓜到歐洲。這些是蕃茄植株,談到蕃茄植株,你知道在美國若然種植到這種高度,就屬於非常幸運了。但在這裡可以看到 8、9 英尺高,長滿了蕃茄的植株,這裡甚至乳牛的奶量也較多。
Here's the big deal - from this pool of water. That's fossil water, underground water. They are irrigating the entire Arava and now there are farms all through this area producing food some places two harvest times a year. This water is slightly salty. It stays about 72 degrees on average which means for farming it is absolutely tremendous. Now here's my point. In a time when 25 to 50 years ago and way beyond that in the time of the prophet there was absolutely nothing here. Now there are farms all over the area. You passed them, didn’t you, from the Dead Sea all the way down through here. You see the greenhouses, you see the covers with the tomato plants. and I was amazed 'cause one time we were here, and we went into some of these farms to see what they were growing. There were peppers, there were melons. In fact, when Europe is cold in the time of winter, they have all sorts of melons that are shipped out to Europe. There are tomato plants, These tomato plants you know in American, we're lucky if we have one that grows this high. We saw that they were like 8, 9 feet high tomatoes hanging off of them even the cows give more milk down here.
但在《以西結書‧47 章》,其中一個驚人的預言,同樣在美國,不常有相關報道,因為人們並不意 識到這點。但是,當我們駕車,我想問他們是否注意到這點。因為如果你從死海北部駕駛,你有否注意到,當你到達馬薩達和往下的地方,有一個已經乾涸的大區域,並有通道連接部分北方的水到南方,你是否也注意到在死海南部的鹽?你在北部不會看見它,北部的水看起來像海水,是嗎?我說得對嗎?但是,當你跨過那地區,那裡有這個半島,就是死海乾涸之地,他們有一個通道,是一種藍綠的水。我意思是當你駕車時,一路到南部……你看到鹽嗎?你說:「哇!這全是鹽!」
But in Ezekiel chapter 47, one of the amazing prophecies and again back home in the States, this is not always reported there because people are unaware of it. But as we were driving and I want to ask them if they noticed this. But, as you were driving from the northern part of the Dead Sea, did you notice that when you’ve gotten there in Masada and downward there was a big area where it had dried up. And there was a channel that was connecting some of the water from the north into the south. Did you also notice that in the southern part of the Dead Sea, the salt that’ s there? You don’t see it in the northern part. The northern part looks like seawater, ocean water, right? Am I right on that? But when you cross that one area where there is this peninsula where the Dead Sea is driven up they have a channel now, it’s kind of a blueish green water. that comes all the way into the southern part where all this...and did you see the salt? I mean you’re driving. you said, “Wow! That’s just pure salt!”
現在聽這個預言,因對我來說,這是幾年前我所見以西結預言應驗的主要事情之一。長話短說,他看到未來的聖殿,將由彌賽亞在耶路撒冷建立。然後他說,水從耶路撒冷的門檻下流出。我知道一個事實,自己亦作過研究,並跟已故的拉比 Yehuda Getz 討論過,就是有地下水 ── 他說 他不知道從哪裡來 ── 來自某座山、猶太山區或希伯倫對面的山區,它實際上是耶路撒冷城的一 個地下水源。這點很有趣,因為先知談到這一點,他說,水先到踝子骨,然後到膝,你知道這故事,水便到腰, 然後變成河流。當它變成河流,第 8 節,讓我跳回前幾節,他對我說:「人子啊,你看見了什麼?」他就帶我回到河邊。
Now listen to this prophecy, because this to me is one of the first things I saw just a few years ago as a major fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy. To abbreviate this, he sees a temple in the future that’s going to be in Jerusalem that the Messiah will build. Then he says water is coming out from underneath the threshold in Jerusalem. Now, I know for a fact, having researched this talked to Rabbi Yehuda Getz, who is now passed away that there is an underground water source that comes, he said he’s not sure where it’s coming from from the mountain somewhere, the Judaic mountains or the mountains toward Hebron and it’s an underground water source that is actually under the city of Jerusalem. That’s interesting because the prophet talks about this and he says it starts out ankle-deep, knee-deep you know the story, waist-deep, and then it becomes a river. Now when it becomes a river, here’s what he says, these waters, I mean verse 8. In fact, let me go back a few verses. He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.
《以西結書‧47 章 7 節》:我回到河邊的時候,見在河這邊與那邊的岸上有極多的樹木。他對我說:這水往東方流去,必下到亞拉巴,直到海,所發出來的水必流入鹽海,使水變甜(原文 作得醫治)現在聽這個預言:這河水所到之處,凡滋生的動物都必生活。並且因這流來的水必有極多的魚。海水也變甜了,這河水所到之處,百物都必生活。必有漁夫站在河邊 ── 即這條河:死海!好,在哪裡呢?留意:從隱基底,你剛才就在隱基底,直到隱以革蓮,都作曬網之處,那魚各從其類,好像大海的魚甚多。換句話說,那是在地中海的魚,在那裡同一種魚會非常多。留意,可是沼澤和濕地。英王欽定本《聖經》說:只是泥濘之地與窪濕之處不得治好,必為鹽地。
Ezekiel 47:7 now, When I returned, there, along the bank of the river were very many trees on one side and the other. Then he said to me: This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea its waters are healed. Now listen to this prophecy: It shall be that everything that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there for they will be healed and everything that will live wherever the river goes. It shall be that fishermen will stand by it, by this river, by the Dead Sea! Okay, where's this fish, watch this: From Engedi, you were just at Engedi to Eneglaim, they will be a place for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds as the fish of the Great Sea. In other words, the fish there in the Mediterranean the same kind of fish will be there exceedingly many. Watch this, but the swamps and marshes. Now the King James says the miry places thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.
幾年前當我讀到這預言時,我明白到……等等,死海原是一大片海,要這預言應驗,它必定要變成兩個海。北面的海將得到醫治,而南面的海則全是鹽水。我可以給你看一些舊《聖經》的圖。你家裡可能都有一本,你必頇參考 5,000 或 1,500 年前,學者繪畫的死海地圖。繪畫的時候,死海仍是一大片海,可是,多年來死海卻逐漸乾涸起來。乾涸地區包括馬薩達地底。有一片乾涸的地區,你可從近年的衛星圖片看到,那裡出現了一個半島,從以色列伸延到約旦,這 代表什麼呢?死海實際上已分成兩個海域。現在死海的北部如南部一樣,都是鹹的,但南部卻完全被鹽充滿,就像沼澤一樣。在佛繫里達州,你知道沼澤是怎樣的。如果走進去,便會下沉 2 至 3(英尺),甚至到腰的深度,死海也像沼澤一樣。如果你踏進鹽海中,你可能會下沉,比所看見的更深。正正吻合所描述的。
When I read this prophecy years ago. I realized something –I said, wait a minute, the Dead Sea is one large body of water. For this prophecy to come to pass you have to have two separate seas. You have to have a northern sea that would be healed and the southern sea that would be totally salty. I could show you drawings from old Bibles. You might have one at your home right now. You have to go back to 5,000 or 1,500 years ago where the maps of the Dead Sea had been drawn by scholars. When these maps were drawn, it was one large body of water However, the Dead Sea has been drying up over the years. Now part of that drying-up process is right below Masada. There’s an area and you can also see it on the satellite picture that was recently made where there’s a peninsula, that actually is from the Israeli side, all the way to the Jordanian side and what has happened is the Dead Sea has actually formed two seas. Now the northern sea is salty, just like the southern half except the southern half is totally given to salt. It’s like a marsh. You know if you know what a marsh is in Florida. If you step in it, you’ll go down about 2-3 you can actually sink in up to your waist Well, the Dead Sea is the same way. Those are like marshes.You see it, and if you step on that salt you may actually sink in, a little bit more than what you see there. So this is exactly the description.
現在,如果你翻看《聖經》,它說,水會從耶路撒冷流出,醫治那海。但哪裡來的水可以把生命帶進死海?你們都知道,有 22 種不同的化學物質和礦物質,整個海都是鹽,完全沒有魚。有一次,我們都談到死海裡沒有魚,當時我們在那裡,卻見到魚浮在水面,他們說:你說過死海裡 沒有魚。我回答說:不是,想想,約旦河流進死海北部,河水會帶著魚。有時候這些魚能夠遊到死海,但因含鹽量太高。當魚接觸到死海,會發生什麼?魚會死亡!
Now, if you look at what the Bible says, it says there has to come water from Jerusalem to heal the sea, but where’s the water going to come from to help bring life into the Dead Sea. because it's you know you got 22 different chemicals and minerals. It’s totally given to salt; there’re no fish there. One time, we were talking about no fish being there and we were there, and there was some fish floating atop and they said, you told us there was no fish in the Dead Sea. I said, no, no, think about this the Jordan River empties into the northern part of the sea, it has fish. Sometimes, those fish can make their way into the sea but the salt content is so heavy. that when it hits the sea, what happens? it kills it.
但海將會被治癒,但怎樣治癒呢?第一,從耶路撒冷流出的水,當耶穌回來,橄欖山分裂,如《撒迦利亞書‧14 章 4 節》記載,水會從山上流進海裡,現時已有一條小溪,名叫汲淪山溪,環 繞著汲淪谷,現時從山上向下流,並鄰近 Kromron。他們叫這地為 Wadi,是一個河床,而溪水已流進那裡了。那裡並沒有太多水,但雨季時可能有大量水,流進大海。這很重要,你準備好聽了嗎?
But the sea is going to be healed. Now how’s it going to be healed? No. 1, water from Jerusalem,
When Jesus comes back and the Mount of Olives splits. in Zechariah 14:4 that water will come out of those mountains into the sea because there’s a brook now called the Kidron Brook that circles in the Kidron Valley and it goes into the mountains now and right near Kromron. You have this Wadi, they call it which is a riverbed and that water actually comes there now. There's not a lot of it, but during rain time there can be and it empties into the sea. But here’s the big one, ready?
幾年前,就在昆蘭地區,一份雜誌報道此處有重大發現,就是發現一個大約 3 英里周長的地下水源, 那裏現在有水了。現在是第 3 部分,以色列現正商討,把水從地中海輸送回國和興建輸水管。記得死海的地勢是低,而地中海的地勢是高。他們可以放置發電機生產電力,把水帶進死海來醫治它。因此來自耶路撒冷和昆蘭的水,以及藉輸水管從地中海輸送來的水。可調節死海的鹽度,使其淡化,最終適合養殖魚類。現在談一下這奇妙之處。
Right in the Qumran area, a few years ago, a globe magazine reported a huge discovery of underground water. That’s a lake like 3 miles in circumference. That water is there now. Here’s part 3, There is a discussion going on with Israel about either taking perhaps water from the Mediterranean and running a pipeline. Now, remember the Dead Sea is low, the Mediterranean is high. They could actually put generators there that it would generate electricity and to bring water into the Dead Sea to help heal it. So water from Jerusalem, water underneath Qumran and water that could be brought from a pipeline from the Mediterranean. All will bring that water level up from a salty level to a more fresh level, which would eventually produce fish. Now here’s the part that's amazing.
幾年前,我的導遊 Gideon Shor、我和一些人,到死海的的底部,就是南半部分,我看見一個路牌寫道:「死海魚」。這使我想起有人曾在約旦戲言說死海有魚。我前往那處,有一個漁場位於死海南部。他們在這較南方之處取地下水並生產……當我們到達時,那裡已有三種魚類,他們生產魚類,售賣給餐廳。
A few years ago, Gideon Shor, my guide and I and some of us were at the bottom part of the Dead Sea, this southern half and I saw a sign and it said, Dead Sea Fish. and I’m thinking, yep, just like the guy in Jordan, you know, they’re gonna to fake me up with something. I go over there, and there is a fish farm at the southern part of the Dead Sea. And they have taken the water from underground that's there, again slightly south and they actually are producing… When we were there, it was three types of fish and they produce those fish and sell them to the restaurants.
朋友,容我告訴你們現時眼前發生的事。 往往我們著眼於重要的事情,一些我們傳講多年的事情。我們講論國家的聯盟、龍、獸和敵基督等, 卻遺忘了好些極之吸引和滿有能力的預言正在應驗。另一件我想到的事情是,它說你們將要在該處見到樹木結滿果子。你豈不是見到棕櫚樹和棗樹嗎?我在 1986、87 和 88 年曾到這裡,當時沒有這些樹的,那裡除了沙漠,甚麼也沒有。現在該處長滿了樹木,佈滿了農田。我開始讀這預言,就要來讀一讀,它說從隱基底直到隱以革蓮,都作曬網之處。這是隱基底重要之處,那裡有個大泉水從山流下來,那不僅是泉水,而是瀑布,瀑布從山而下。那裡有一個基布茲社區,有數百人居住,那是個美麗的公園,我們剛到過。但試想想,有人聚居在隱基底,而且那裡有淡水,是這地區少數有淡水的地方之一。好,這裡說到隱以革蓮,有學者說這地方位於死海北部,在昆蘭地區。我曾向人說當耶穌在千禧年歸來,我們與他一同作王,有些人必頇作結網的生意,因為有人要賣漁 網給這些漁夫,他們會在死海捕魚。現在當你讀到這裡,看看《以西結書‧47 章》所有不同的預言。
Folks, let me tell you, here it is happening right in front of our eyes. Say sometimes we look for a major thing. We look for the things we've preached on for years. We talk about the alignment of nations, the dragon, the beast and the anti-Christ. And we miss some of the most fascinating, powerful prophecies being fulfilled Another thing I thought about is it talks about that you will see trees producing fruit in that area.
Did you not see the palm trees and the date trees? Can I tell you that when I was here in 1986, 87, 88 none of that was there There was nothing but dessert. Now, the trees are lining the area; now the farms are lining the area. And when I began to read this prophecy, then I've got to, look into this It says they will spread nets from Engedi to Eneglaim. Here's what's important about Engedi. There was a huge spring of water that’s there that’s coming off the mountain. It's not a spring; it's a waterfall that's coming off the mountain there right now. And there's also a kibbutz there where several hundred people in this. It's beautiful park that we were just at. But think about this Engedi is inhabited by people and there's freshwater there one of the only places along this area where there's freshwater. Now...when it talks about Eneglaim some scholars say that's the northern part of the sea in the Qumran area. so I told somebody one time. I said when Jesus comes back in the Millennial Reign we rule with Him somebody needs to get them a net business because somebody's gotta sell nets to these fishermen who're gonna fish from the Dead Sea. Now, when you read this and you just look at all these different prophecies of Ezekiel 47.
Folks, here's what it means.
各位,這裡的意思是,我想來個總結。意思是當神把這地方準備好,就如預言所說農業和死海興旺起來,那麼祂的再來將會是指日可待 這些現象全是神預設在地球的。
I wanna conclude with this. It means that, if the Lord is getting this land ready by the farming and by the Dead Sea in these specific prophecies, then it means His return is somewhere in the near future.
以賽亞書 35 章 1-2 節: 「曠野和乾旱之地必然歡喜;沙漠也必快樂;又像玫瑰開花,必開花繁盛,樂上加樂,而且歡呼。 黎巴嫩的榮耀,並迦密與沙崙的華美,必賜給它。人必看見耶和華的榮耀,我們 神的華美。」
以賽亞書 35 章 6-7 節: 「那時,瘸子必跳躍像鹿;啞巴的舌頭必能歌唱。在曠野必有水發出;在沙漠必有河湧流。發光的 沙(或譯:蜃樓)要變為水池;乾渴之地要變為泉源。在野狗躺臥之處,必有青草、蘆葦,和蒲草。」

YouTube 影片:742 Prophecies Fulfilled In Israel Proof of His Return
先知以賽亞在《以賽亞書‧31 章》(35 章)提到:曠野和乾旱之地必然歡喜,沙漠也必快樂;又像玫瑰開花,必開花繁盛,樂上加樂,而且歡呼,利巴嫩的榮耀,並迦密與沙崙的華美,必賜給他, 人必看見耶和華的榮耀,我們神的華美,你們要使軟弱的手堅壯,無力的膝穩固,對膽怯的人說: 你們要剛強,不要懼怕。
The prophet Isaiah said this in Isaiah chapter 31(35). The wilderness and the wasteland should be glad for them and the desert should rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the excellency of our God. Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, Be strong, do not fear.
看哪,你們的神必來報仇,必來施行極大的報應;他必來拯救你們。那時,瞎子的眼必睜開;聾子的耳必開通,那時瘸子必跳躍像鹿,啞吧的舌頭必能歌唱。這裡就是那重要的預言,我希望你們聽清楚。. 在曠野必有水發出;在沙漠必有河湧流。發光的沙(或作蜃樓)要變為水池,乾渴之地要變為泉源。在野狗躺臥之處,必有青草、蘆葦和蒲草,在那裡必有一條大道。大家開始意會到你們所處的地方了吧!這稱為聖路。污穢人不得經過,必專為贖民行走;行路的人雖愚昧,也不至失迷。
Behold, your God will come with vengeance. And with recompence of God; He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind should be opened; the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The lame shall leap as a hart; the tongue of the dumb shall sing. Now, here is the important prophecy, I want you to listen to this. The parched… it says this. Waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, streams in the desertThe parched ground shall become a pool. And the thirsty land springs of waters. In the habitation of jackals where each shall lay, there shall be grass with reeds and rushes. And a highway shall be there. The groups are already getting it 'cause you're here. And a road, it shall be called the highway of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. But it shall be for the others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray,
讓我讀到這裡,介紹一下我們所在的地方。《以賽亞書‧35 章》提到沙漠將會像玫瑰般開花,當中希伯來文字「arabah」。有些《聖經》譯本正確地直接譯作「Arabah」也必快樂;又像玫瑰開花。
Now, let me stop at that reading and explain to you where I am. In Isaiah chapter 35, where it says the desert shall blossom like a rose. It is the Hebrew word "arabah”. Now some of the translations of the Bible actually translate it correctly, where it says the “arabah” shall rejoice and blossom like a rose.
我以前從不知道所指的是哪地方,直至多年前我朋友 Gideon Shaw 帶我們到這裡,並讓我知道這裡曾發生的事。現在假若我們回到大約 25 至 50 年前,並朝著死海的南方一直走。多少人知道我們曾這樣做?我們曾朝著死海的南方走,如果你一直朝著死海的南方走,一直向南走到一處名為阿卡巴灣的地方,離這裡大約 110 至 120 英里。你會看到一個沙漠,一邊你會看到約旦的山群、以東和摩押地。而以色列那邊會看到猶太地曠野,有著崎嶇山嶺,中間的一段路是完全的荒涼。多年前這裡一直是這樣子,在這地區耕種可說是天方夜譚。為甚麼?沒有水源!你必頇先有水源,才能發展農業。
I never knew where this area was until my friend Gideon Shaw many years ago, brought us into this area and began to show me what was happening here. Now, if we were to go back, let's say anywhere between 25 to 50 years ago and you were to travel south of the Dead Sea. How many know we've done that? We’ ve traveled south of the Dead Sea.
If you were to travel south of the Dead Sea and you were to come south all the way down to what's called the Gulf of Aqaba, which is about 110 to 120 miles from here.
You would see a desert you would see the mountains of Jordan, Edom and Moab on one side and you would see the rugged mountains at the bottom part of where the Judean wilderness ends on the Israeli side, and in the middle would be a road and it would be totally desolate. Now years ago that's exactly what this area looked like. The idea of a farm being in this area absolutely was impossible. Why? No water! You have to have water in order for there to be a farm.
我談到死海下方到阿卡巴灣的原因,是因為這個地區在希伯來文是 Arava。. 換句話說,我現在所站之地,就是 Arava 的中心,稱為 Arava 裂谷,就是從死海的南方一直到阿卡 巴灣。這又有甚麼特別之處呢?令人興奮的是多年之前,美國的人造衛星曾為此處拍攝了一些地底照片。他們在這片沙漠的地底下 看到些東西,並通知了以色列當局來這裡。他們進行鑽探,約 1,500 英尺深,你猜發生了甚麼事?竟然有水開始從地下噴出!《聖經》中以賽亞預言 Arabah 將要變為水池。
Now the reason I'm telling you about the bottom part of the Dead Sea all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba is that, this is the area in Hebrew called the Arava. In other words where I'm standing right here right now is the heart of the Arava, called the Arava rift that comes all the way from the southern part of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of AqabaYou say what's so exciting about that? Here's what's exciting: Many years ago, a satellite from the United States was taking satellite imagery underground in Israel this part of the desert, and they saw something underground and they told the Israelis about it and they came to this spot. They drilled down about 1,500 feet and guess what happened? Water from underground started shooting up out of the ground. Now the Bible says in Isaiah that in the arabah there will be a pool.
先生女士們,來看看我們所站立的地方,正正就有一個水塘。但更重要的是,若你讀以賽亞的預言,它說水池之後,會出現青草。而大家正是坐在草地上,它也說這裡會有蘆葦和蒲草。那在希伯來文的意思,就是你們現時看到水 塘周圍的植物。
Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to look at where I’m standing. We are in an area where there is a pool. but more importantly than that, if you begin to read the prophecy of Isaiah it says there will be a pool there; then it says there will be grass there. Our people are sitting right now on grass. It says that there will be reeds there and rushes that is the Hebrew word for everything that you see growing around this lake of water.
你可能會問,水塘又有甚麼大不了?這水塘卻大有文章, And you say, so it's like a water, what's the big deal? 這些地下水是原生水,用以灌溉整個 Arava 地區,所以現時整個區域都有農田生產食物,有些地方 甚至一年有兩造收成。這些水略帶鹽份,水溫處於 72 度,作為耕種是非常理想的水源。現在我想帶出一點,在 25 至 50 年前,遠至以賽亞身處的時代,這裡是完全荒涼的。現在卻佈滿農田,你們也是從死海一直走到這裡來的。你們該看到溫室,看到覆蓋著蕃茄植株的地方,我為之讚歎,因為有次我們來到這裡,走進農場看看他們種甚麼。當中竟然有辣椒和香瓜,事實上,當歐洲處於寒冷的冬季時,他們可以出口各種香瓜到歐洲。這些是蕃茄植株,談到蕃茄植株,你知道在美國若然種植到這種高度,就屬於非常幸運了。但在這裡可以看到 8、9 英尺高,長滿了蕃茄的植株,這裡甚至乳牛的奶量也較多。
Here's the big deal - from this pool of water. That's fossil water, underground water. They are irrigating the entire Arava and now there are farms all through this area producing food some places two harvest times a year. This water is slightly salty. It stays about 72 degrees on average which means for farming it is absolutely tremendous. Now here's my point. In a time when 25 to 50 years ago and way beyond that in the time of the prophet there was absolutely nothing here. Now there are farms all over the area. You passed them, didn’t you, from the Dead Sea all the way down through here. You see the greenhouses, you see the covers with the tomato plants. and I was amazed 'cause one time we were here, and we went into some of these farms to see what they were growing. There were peppers, there were melons. In fact, when Europe is cold in the time of winter, they have all sorts of melons that are shipped out to Europe. There are tomato plants, These tomato plants you know in American, we're lucky if we have one that grows this high. We saw that they were like 8, 9 feet high tomatoes hanging off of them even the cows give more milk down here.
但在《以西結書‧47 章》,其中一個驚人的預言,同樣在美國,不常有相關報道,因為人們並不意 識到這點。但是,當我們駕車,我想問他們是否注意到這點。因為如果你從死海北部駕駛,你有否注意到,當你到達馬薩達和往下的地方,有一個已經乾涸的大區域,並有通道連接部分北方的水到南方,你是否也注意到在死海南部的鹽?你在北部不會看見它,北部的水看起來像海水,是嗎?我說得對嗎?但是,當你跨過那地區,那裡有這個半島,就是死海乾涸之地,他們有一個通道,是一種藍綠的水。我意思是當你駕車時,一路到南部……你看到鹽嗎?你說:「哇!這全是鹽!」
But in Ezekiel chapter 47, one of the amazing prophecies and again back home in the States, this is not always reported there because people are unaware of it. But as we were driving and I want to ask them if they noticed this. But, as you were driving from the northern part of the Dead Sea, did you notice that when you’ve gotten there in Masada and downward there was a big area where it had dried up. And there was a channel that was connecting some of the water from the north into the south. Did you also notice that in the southern part of the Dead Sea, the salt that’ s there? You don’t see it in the northern part. The northern part looks like seawater, ocean water, right? Am I right on that? But when you cross that one area where there is this peninsula where the Dead Sea is driven up they have a channel now, it’s kind of a blueish green water. that comes all the way into the southern part where all this...and did you see the salt? I mean you’re driving. you said, “Wow! That’s just pure salt!”
現在聽這個預言,因對我來說,這是幾年前我所見以西結預言應驗的主要事情之一。長話短說,他看到未來的聖殿,將由彌賽亞在耶路撒冷建立。然後他說,水從耶路撒冷的門檻下流出。我知道一個事實,自己亦作過研究,並跟已故的拉比 Yehuda Getz 討論過,就是有地下水 ── 他說 他不知道從哪裡來 ── 來自某座山、猶太山區或希伯倫對面的山區,它實際上是耶路撒冷城的一 個地下水源。這點很有趣,因為先知談到這一點,他說,水先到踝子骨,然後到膝,你知道這故事,水便到腰, 然後變成河流。當它變成河流,第 8 節,讓我跳回前幾節,他對我說:「人子啊,你看見了什麼?」他就帶我回到河邊。
Now listen to this prophecy, because this to me is one of the first things I saw just a few years ago as a major fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy. To abbreviate this, he sees a temple in the future that’s going to be in Jerusalem that the Messiah will build. Then he says water is coming out from underneath the threshold in Jerusalem. Now, I know for a fact, having researched this talked to Rabbi Yehuda Getz, who is now passed away that there is an underground water source that comes, he said he’s not sure where it’s coming from from the mountain somewhere, the Judaic mountains or the mountains toward Hebron and it’s an underground water source that is actually under the city of Jerusalem. That’s interesting because the prophet talks about this and he says it starts out ankle-deep, knee-deep you know the story, waist-deep, and then it becomes a river. Now when it becomes a river, here’s what he says, these waters, I mean verse 8. In fact, let me go back a few verses. He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.
《以西結書‧47 章 7 節》:我回到河邊的時候,見在河這邊與那邊的岸上有極多的樹木。他對我說:這水往東方流去,必下到亞拉巴,直到海,所發出來的水必流入鹽海,使水變甜(原文 作得醫治)現在聽這個預言:這河水所到之處,凡滋生的動物都必生活。並且因這流來的水必有極多的魚。海水也變甜了,這河水所到之處,百物都必生活。必有漁夫站在河邊 ── 即這條河:死海!好,在哪裡呢?留意:從隱基底,你剛才就在隱基底,直到隱以革蓮,都作曬網之處,那魚各從其類,好像大海的魚甚多。換句話說,那是在地中海的魚,在那裡同一種魚會非常多。留意,可是沼澤和濕地。英王欽定本《聖經》說:只是泥濘之地與窪濕之處不得治好,必為鹽地。
Ezekiel 47:7 now, When I returned, there, along the bank of the river were very many trees on one side and the other. Then he said to me: This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea its waters are healed. Now listen to this prophecy: It shall be that everything that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there for they will be healed and everything that will live wherever the river goes. It shall be that fishermen will stand by it, by this river, by the Dead Sea! Okay, where's this fish, watch this: From Engedi, you were just at Engedi to Eneglaim, they will be a place for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds as the fish of the Great Sea. In other words, the fish there in the Mediterranean the same kind of fish will be there exceedingly many. Watch this, but the swamps and marshes. Now the King James says the miry places thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.
幾年前當我讀到這預言時,我明白到……等等,死海原是一大片海,要這預言應驗,它必定要變成兩個海。北面的海將得到醫治,而南面的海則全是鹽水。我可以給你看一些舊《聖經》的圖。你家裡可能都有一本,你必頇參考 5,000 或 1,500 年前,學者繪畫的死海地圖。繪畫的時候,死海仍是一大片海,可是,多年來死海卻逐漸乾涸起來。乾涸地區包括馬薩達地底。有一片乾涸的地區,你可從近年的衛星圖片看到,那裡出現了一個半島,從以色列伸延到約旦,這 代表什麼呢?死海實際上已分成兩個海域。現在死海的北部如南部一樣,都是鹹的,但南部卻完全被鹽充滿,就像沼澤一樣。在佛繫里達州,你知道沼澤是怎樣的。如果走進去,便會下沉 2 至 3(英尺),甚至到腰的深度,死海也像沼澤一樣。如果你踏進鹽海中,你可能會下沉,比所看見的更深。正正吻合所描述的。
When I read this prophecy years ago. I realized something –I said, wait a minute, the Dead Sea is one large body of water. For this prophecy to come to pass you have to have two separate seas. You have to have a northern sea that would be healed and the southern sea that would be totally salty. I could show you drawings from old Bibles. You might have one at your home right now. You have to go back to 5,000 or 1,500 years ago where the maps of the Dead Sea had been drawn by scholars. When these maps were drawn, it was one large body of water However, the Dead Sea has been drying up over the years. Now part of that drying-up process is right below Masada. There’s an area and you can also see it on the satellite picture that was recently made where there’s a peninsula, that actually is from the Israeli side, all the way to the Jordanian side and what has happened is the Dead Sea has actually formed two seas. Now the northern sea is salty, just like the southern half except the southern half is totally given to salt. It’s like a marsh. You know if you know what a marsh is in Florida. If you step in it, you’ll go down about 2-3 you can actually sink in up to your waist Well, the Dead Sea is the same way. Those are like marshes.You see it, and if you step on that salt you may actually sink in, a little bit more than what you see there. So this is exactly the description.
現在,如果你翻看《聖經》,它說,水會從耶路撒冷流出,醫治那海。但哪裡來的水可以把生命帶進死海?你們都知道,有 22 種不同的化學物質和礦物質,整個海都是鹽,完全沒有魚。有一次,我們都談到死海裡沒有魚,當時我們在那裡,卻見到魚浮在水面,他們說:你說過死海裡 沒有魚。我回答說:不是,想想,約旦河流進死海北部,河水會帶著魚。有時候這些魚能夠遊到死海,但因含鹽量太高。當魚接觸到死海,會發生什麼?魚會死亡!
Now, if you look at what the Bible says, it says there has to come water from Jerusalem to heal the sea, but where’s the water going to come from to help bring life into the Dead Sea. because it's you know you got 22 different chemicals and minerals. It’s totally given to salt; there’re no fish there. One time, we were talking about no fish being there and we were there, and there was some fish floating atop and they said, you told us there was no fish in the Dead Sea. I said, no, no, think about this the Jordan River empties into the northern part of the sea, it has fish. Sometimes, those fish can make their way into the sea but the salt content is so heavy. that when it hits the sea, what happens? it kills it.
但海將會被治癒,但怎樣治癒呢?第一,從耶路撒冷流出的水,當耶穌回來,橄欖山分裂,如《撒迦利亞書‧14 章 4 節》記載,水會從山上流進海裡,現時已有一條小溪,名叫汲淪山溪,環 繞著汲淪谷,現時從山上向下流,並鄰近 Kromron。他們叫這地為 Wadi,是一個河床,而溪水已流進那裡了。那裡並沒有太多水,但雨季時可能有大量水,流進大海。這很重要,你準備好聽了嗎?
But the sea is going to be healed. Now how’s it going to be healed? No. 1, water from Jerusalem,
When Jesus comes back and the Mount of Olives splits. in Zechariah 14:4 that water will come out of those mountains into the sea because there’s a brook now called the Kidron Brook that circles in the Kidron Valley and it goes into the mountains now and right near Kromron. You have this Wadi, they call it which is a riverbed and that water actually comes there now. There's not a lot of it, but during rain time there can be and it empties into the sea. But here’s the big one, ready?
幾年前,就在昆蘭地區,一份雜誌報道此處有重大發現,就是發現一個大約 3 英里周長的地下水源, 那裏現在有水了。現在是第 3 部分,以色列現正商討,把水從地中海輸送回國和興建輸水管。記得死海的地勢是低,而地中海的地勢是高。他們可以放置發電機生產電力,把水帶進死海來醫治它。因此來自耶路撒冷和昆蘭的水,以及藉輸水管從地中海輸送來的水。可調節死海的鹽度,使其淡化,最終適合養殖魚類。現在談一下這奇妙之處。
Right in the Qumran area, a few years ago, a globe magazine reported a huge discovery of underground water. That’s a lake like 3 miles in circumference. That water is there now. Here’s part 3, There is a discussion going on with Israel about either taking perhaps water from the Mediterranean and running a pipeline. Now, remember the Dead Sea is low, the Mediterranean is high. They could actually put generators there that it would generate electricity and to bring water into the Dead Sea to help heal it. So water from Jerusalem, water underneath Qumran and water that could be brought from a pipeline from the Mediterranean. All will bring that water level up from a salty level to a more fresh level, which would eventually produce fish. Now here’s the part that's amazing.
幾年前,我的導遊 Gideon Shor、我和一些人,到死海的的底部,就是南半部分,我看見一個路牌寫道:「死海魚」。這使我想起有人曾在約旦戲言說死海有魚。我前往那處,有一個漁場位於死海南部。他們在這較南方之處取地下水並生產……當我們到達時,那裡已有三種魚類,他們生產魚類,售賣給餐廳。
A few years ago, Gideon Shor, my guide and I and some of us were at the bottom part of the Dead Sea, this southern half and I saw a sign and it said, Dead Sea Fish. and I’m thinking, yep, just like the guy in Jordan, you know, they’re gonna to fake me up with something. I go over there, and there is a fish farm at the southern part of the Dead Sea. And they have taken the water from underground that's there, again slightly south and they actually are producing… When we were there, it was three types of fish and they produce those fish and sell them to the restaurants.
朋友,容我告訴你們現時眼前發生的事。 往往我們著眼於重要的事情,一些我們傳講多年的事情。我們講論國家的聯盟、龍、獸和敵基督等, 卻遺忘了好些極之吸引和滿有能力的預言正在應驗。另一件我想到的事情是,它說你們將要在該處見到樹木結滿果子。你豈不是見到棕櫚樹和棗樹嗎?我在 1986、87 和 88 年曾到這裡,當時沒有這些樹的,那裡除了沙漠,甚麼也沒有。現在該處長滿了樹木,佈滿了農田。我開始讀這預言,就要來讀一讀,它說從隱基底直到隱以革蓮,都作曬網之處。這是隱基底重要之處,那裡有個大泉水從山流下來,那不僅是泉水,而是瀑布,瀑布從山而下。那裡有一個基布茲社區,有數百人居住,那是個美麗的公園,我們剛到過。但試想想,有人聚居在隱基底,而且那裡有淡水,是這地區少數有淡水的地方之一。好,這裡說到隱以革蓮,有學者說這地方位於死海北部,在昆蘭地區。我曾向人說當耶穌在千禧年歸來,我們與他一同作王,有些人必頇作結網的生意,因為有人要賣漁 網給這些漁夫,他們會在死海捕魚。現在當你讀到這裡,看看《以西結書‧47 章》所有不同的預言。
Folks, let me tell you, here it is happening right in front of our eyes. Say sometimes we look for a major thing. We look for the things we've preached on for years. We talk about the alignment of nations, the dragon, the beast and the anti-Christ. And we miss some of the most fascinating, powerful prophecies being fulfilled Another thing I thought about is it talks about that you will see trees producing fruit in that area.
Did you not see the palm trees and the date trees? Can I tell you that when I was here in 1986, 87, 88 none of that was there There was nothing but dessert. Now, the trees are lining the area; now the farms are lining the area. And when I began to read this prophecy, then I've got to, look into this It says they will spread nets from Engedi to Eneglaim. Here's what's important about Engedi. There was a huge spring of water that’s there that’s coming off the mountain. It's not a spring; it's a waterfall that's coming off the mountain there right now. And there's also a kibbutz there where several hundred people in this. It's beautiful park that we were just at. But think about this Engedi is inhabited by people and there's freshwater there one of the only places along this area where there's freshwater. Now...when it talks about Eneglaim some scholars say that's the northern part of the sea in the Qumran area. so I told somebody one time. I said when Jesus comes back in the Millennial Reign we rule with Him somebody needs to get them a net business because somebody's gotta sell nets to these fishermen who're gonna fish from the Dead Sea. Now, when you read this and you just look at all these different prophecies of Ezekiel 47.
Folks, here's what it means.
各位,這裡的意思是,我想來個總結。意思是當神把這地方準備好,就如預言所說農業和死海興旺起來,那麼祂的再來將會是指日可待 這些現象全是神預設在地球的。
I wanna conclude with this. It means that, if the Lord is getting this land ready by the farming and by the Dead Sea in these specific prophecies, then it means His return is somewhere in the near future.