「佔中」,一場為爭取民主的公民抗命。但到底,事實又是否僅止於此呢?到底「佔中」的是否有人在背後精心經營?若是,搗亂香港對她們有什麼好處呢?竟然,一切陰謀的最終目的,是為第三次世界大戰鋪路!雖然佔中者有其民主訴求,政府亦有其維持有效施政的責任。 但不論雙方的理據如何,這次示威運動當中,卻是有著濃厚的Freemason偽旗行動影子。
"Occupy Central" is a civil disobedience movement which began in Hong Kong on September 28, 2014. It calls on hundreds of thousands of protesters to paralyze Hong Kong's busiest districts in the fight for democracy. However, instead of a pure spontaneous civil movement, suspicion is growing that some hostile forces are behind the so-called “Umbrella Revolution”, fueling the protracted standoff between the people and the government. As how the Ukraine crisis has plagued Russia, the "Occupy Central" movement could be well another strategy by the US to ultimately force its enemy – China – into World War III..
事實上,這12點亦非常有效及成功。2007年,一位曾任北大西洋公約組織NATO的歐洲盟軍司令部,美國退休將軍四星將軍Wesley Kanne Clark,於一個講座中提及,於2001年911事件發
生後不久,國防部曾經發出一個指令, 就是於五年內攻擊及推翻七個國家,包括伊拉克、黎巴嫩、利比亞、索馬利、蘇丹及伊朗。雖然,這個國防部計劃並未有在五年內完成,但是,十多年後,美國藉著阿拉伯之春及反恐戰爭,這七個國家,有些已經被推翻、有些陷入內戰、有些亦已在崩潰的邊緣。實上,如果要推翻一個國家,以內部革命導致崩潰的方式,遠比出兵
Wesley Kanne Clark分享:Wesley Clark | Retired US Army General blows the whistle on war plans
起集會,加上佔領中環發起人戴耀廷的推動,促成香港「佔領中環」事年2014年於9月28日正式啟動。 因為示威人士不能進入政府總部門前的公民廣場示威,所以示威人士後來演變成佔領政府總部對開的金鐘, 其後更蔓延至中環及灣仔。 警方派出防暴隊,發射催淚彈驅散示威者,示威形勢急轉直下。 但隨即引發更多人集會,銅鑼灣及旺角亦被佔領。 佔中運動其後歷時超過三星期,這次示威運動參加人數眾多,高達幾十萬人次, 癱瘓金鐘、銅鑼灣、旺角等地區,是香港歷史上少見的。 雖然佔中者有其民主訴求、政府亦有其維持有效施政的責任。 但不論雙方的理據如何,但從這次示威運動當中,卻是有著濃厚的Freemason偽旗行動影子。
- 派中情局、MI6等情報人員,以留學生、遊客、義工、商人、記者的身份,進入目標國家。
- 以人道目標為理由,開設「民主」、「人權」為主旨的非政府機構(NGO),同時招攬一些崇尚自由及理想的人。
- 在當地招攬一些叛徒,尤其是學者、政客、記者、軍人等,可以是賄賂方式,或是找出他們的罪證,以控制他們。
- 如果目標國家有工會勢力,就會以金錢收買他們。
- 為革命創作並選擇一種象徵顏色或鮮明口號,例如1968年的布拉格之春、1989東歐的天鵝絨革命、2003年格魯吉亞的玫瑰革命、2005年黎巴嫩的雪杉革命、烏克蘭的橙色革命、伊朗的綠色革命、茉莉花革命、阿拉伯之春,甚至香港的雨傘革命。
香港雨傘革命 - 以不同名義開始示威,從而展開革命運動。示威的名義可以是人權、民主、政府腐敗、選舉舞弊等。不需要尋出證據,只需要找到藉口便可以。
- 以英語寫上抗議標語,好讓美國人能看見,這樣,就能夠使到美國政客及平民開始發出呼聲。
- 讓之前所收買的政客、知識分子、公會領袖等加入示威,並且,號召所有對政府不滿意的人加入。
- 美國及歐洲的主流傳媒配合,不斷強調這場革命是因為各種不公平所導致,因而獲得大多數人的支持。
- 當全世界也注視,就製造偽旗行動,拍攝人民被打壓的影像,以動搖目標政府,令政府失去人民的支持。
- 派出一些引發暴亂的演員,以武力挑釁警方,逼使警方使用武力鎮壓,這樣就可以使這個政府失去其他國家的支持,被國際社會認為是「非法政權」。
- 運用政客到美國、歐盟、聯合國等地方陳情,使到目標政府受到國際經濟制裁、設立禁飛區、甚至協助空襲及供應武器給叛軍。

Wesley Kanne Clark分享:Wesley Clark | Retired US Army General blows the whistle on war plans
起集會,加上佔領中環發起人戴耀廷的推動,促成香港「佔領中環」事年2014年於9月28日正式啟動。 因為示威人士不能進入政府總部門前的公民廣場示威,所以示威人士後來演變成佔領政府總部對開的金鐘, 其後更蔓延至中環及灣仔。 警方派出防暴隊,發射催淚彈驅散示威者,示威形勢急轉直下。 但隨即引發更多人集會,銅鑼灣及旺角亦被佔領。 佔中運動其後歷時超過三星期,這次示威運動參加人數眾多,高達幾十萬人次, 癱瘓金鐘、銅鑼灣、旺角等地區,是香港歷史上少見的。 雖然佔中者有其民主訴求、政府亦有其維持有效施政的責任。 但不論雙方的理據如何,但從這次示威運動當中,卻是有著濃厚的Freemason偽旗行動影子。
於佔中運動開始後不久,俄羅斯國營電視台已指出,示威是由英國及美國政府背後策動。其後,亦有傳媒報導,學民思潮的黃之鋒是美國政府培訓的人才,並且,接受了「美國國家民主基金會(National Endowment for Democracy)」(簡稱NED)的金錢。但黃之鋒聲明否認其事,指稱一切也是虛構的。按著鍚安教會梁日華牧師個人分析,亦認為「黃之鋒由美國政府栽培」之說並非屬實。但至於美國民主基金會,它表面上是一個用來推動各國的民主進程的組織。但實質上它的資金是由美國政府所資助,用來策反不同國家。有人指稱,美國政府透過NED於背後策動埃及的「阿拉伯之春」。曾經參選美國總統的美國國會前參議員Ron Paul稱,美國政府向各國推廣民主,其實就是要殺掉民主。
每一次美國政府以推廣民主的名義幫助各國,但結果卻是,那些所謂「被幫助」的國家根本得不到民主,反而更陷入社會崩潰之中。並且Ron Paul提及,美國政府自1991年起,透過NED等機構,已經向烏克蘭投入超過50億美元,協助烏克蘭發展民主。其實,最終就是策反烏克蘭親俄羅斯政權, 改為親西方造成現時烏克蘭陷入分裂,內戰邊緣直接打擊俄羅斯,逼使俄羅斯參與第三次世界大戰。
(相關文章: 俄經濟顧問:美國將發動世界大戰)
於烏克蘭示威期間,互聯網上出現了一段名為「我是烏克蘭人」的影片,影片中的少女,希望世界各國能夠幫助烏克蘭人對抗暴政,獲得民主。但後來,卻被人發現,這段影片,根本就不是一段烏克蘭人自發攝製的片段,而是由與NED有聯系的Larry Diamond所負責。當中,就是運用鏡頭,軟性推銷烏克蘭革命,目的,就是要挑動各地的輿論,一方面,憐憫示威者,另一方面,譴責這個腐敗、暴力的政權。可是,觀眾們並不知道,這其實只是一場戲。
影片:香港佔中: Hong Kongese : Please help Hong Kong
而如果美國要對付中國的話,首先亦會以香港作為目標。中國也有她的塞浦路斯,也有她的烏克蘭,中國有一個小城市,是靠著她藉由匯豐銀行將大量金銀輸入到國內,並且中國的商業、經濟也是靠她得以發展,而這就是特區 ── 香港。所以,如果要針對中國的話,那麼就要對付香港,如同對付塞浦路斯和烏克蘭一樣。(相關文章:第三次世界大戰紅心-香港)
於佔中運動開始後不久,俄羅斯國營電視台已指出,示威是由英國及美國政府背後策動。其後,亦有傳媒報導,學民思潮的黃之鋒是美國政府培訓的人才,並且,接受了「美國國家民主基金會(National Endowment for Democracy)」(簡稱NED)的金錢。但黃之鋒聲明否認其事,指稱一切也是虛構的。按著鍚安教會梁日華牧師個人分析,亦認為「黃之鋒由美國政府栽培」之說並非屬實。但至於美國民主基金會,它表面上是一個用來推動各國的民主進程的組織。但實質上它的資金是由美國政府所資助,用來策反不同國家。有人指稱,美國政府透過NED於背後策動埃及的「阿拉伯之春」。曾經參選美國總統的美國國會前參議員Ron Paul稱,美國政府向各國推廣民主,其實就是要殺掉民主。
每一次美國政府以推廣民主的名義幫助各國,但結果卻是,那些所謂「被幫助」的國家根本得不到民主,反而更陷入社會崩潰之中。並且Ron Paul提及,美國政府自1991年起,透過NED等機構,已經向烏克蘭投入超過50億美元,協助烏克蘭發展民主。其實,最終就是策反烏克蘭親俄羅斯政權, 改為親西方造成現時烏克蘭陷入分裂,內戰邊緣直接打擊俄羅斯,逼使俄羅斯參與第三次世界大戰。
(相關文章: 俄經濟顧問:美國將發動世界大戰)
於烏克蘭示威期間,互聯網上出現了一段名為「我是烏克蘭人」的影片,影片中的少女,希望世界各國能夠幫助烏克蘭人對抗暴政,獲得民主。但後來,卻被人發現,這段影片,根本就不是一段烏克蘭人自發攝製的片段,而是由與NED有聯系的Larry Diamond所負責。當中,就是運用鏡頭,軟性推銷烏克蘭革命,目的,就是要挑動各地的輿論,一方面,憐憫示威者,另一方面,譴責這個腐敗、暴力的政權。可是,觀眾們並不知道,這其實只是一場戲。
影片: 「我是烏克蘭人」I am a Ukrainian
影片:香港佔中: Hong Kongese : Please help Hong Kong
美國地緣政治智庫 “Land Destroyer” 的研究者卡塔盧奇,不但揭穿美國在幕後資助本港的佔中行動後,更指出美國滲透本港政壇的目的,是想令香港成為外國勢力顛覆中國的中心,而佔中行動發起人戴耀廷和公民黨主席余若薇,曾多次出席美國國務院轄下的美國國家民主基金會(NED),及美國國際民主研究院(NDI),所舉辦的論壇及活動。他稱美國國務院一直在財政、政治及網絡上支持佔中,而佔中支持者如壹傳媒集團主席黎智英,天主教香港教區前主教陳日君,學民思潮召集人黃之鋒等,也跟NED及NDI關係密切,而民主黨創黨主席李柱銘,早前與前政務司司長陳方安生訪美時,曾在華盛頓與NED政客會面,更曾在NED一個討論香港民主進程的研討會上發言,卡塔盧奇分析指,佔中真正目的,是華府、英國及美國金融界在本港實行 「軟性再殖民」計劃,如果北京最終讓收受美國資助的人主政,屆時香港已非由港人管治,而是由西方勢力操控。於2014年10月10日,中國政府亦透過人民日報指控美國透過美國民主基金會,在幕後策劃「佔中」情況與在美國於不同地方推動「顏色革命」相似。

而如果美國要對付中國的話,首先亦會以香港作為目標。中國也有她的塞浦路斯,也有她的烏克蘭,中國有一個小城市,是靠著她藉由匯豐銀行將大量金銀輸入到國內,並且中國的商業、經濟也是靠她得以發展,而這就是特區 ── 香港。所以,如果要針對中國的話,那麼就要對付香港,如同對付塞浦路斯和烏克蘭一樣。(相關文章:第三次世界大戰紅心-香港)
也許 在你心目中,美國是「世界警察」。但事實上,她花功夫搗亂還比她維持世界秩序的功夫還多呢!她為什麼要搗亂?答案很簡單,她要維持她的世界地位。
近代偽旗行動引發的大戰 (上)
近代偽旗行動引發的大戰 (下)
新世界秩序系列(1)我們正邁向新世界秩序New World Order
影片:香港佔中事件分析與美國佔領一個國家的12個步驟 (國際版)
Video: Occupy Central: 12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations
也許 在你心目中,美國是「世界警察」。但事實上,她花功夫搗亂還比她維持世界秩序的功夫還多呢!她為什麼要搗亂?答案很簡單,她要維持她的世界地位。

近代偽旗行動引發的大戰 (上)

新世界秩序系列(1)我們正邁向新世界秩序New World Order
影片:香港佔中事件分析與美國佔領一個國家的12個步驟 (國際版)
Video: Occupy Central: 12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations
English Version:
12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations
The “Occupy Central” movement has provided clues to Freemasonry’s false-flag operations that have been applied to other countries hungry for democracy. Before telling you the complete story, let’s take a look at the way the US has made itself the World Police to maintain the world order – a 12-step procedure.
1) Dispatch CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6) and other intelligence officers as students, tourists, volunteers, businessmen, reporters to the target country.
2) Set up non-governmental organizations (NGO) under the guise of humanitarianism to fight for "democracy" and "human rights" in order to attract advocates of freedom and ideals.
3) Attract local traitors, especially academics, politicians, reporters, soldiers, etc., through bribery or threaten those who have some stain in their life.
4) If the target country has labor unions, bribe them.
5) Pick a catchy theme or color for the revolution. Examples include Prague Spring (1968), Velvet Revolution (Eastern Europe, 1989), Rose Revolution (Georgia, 2003), Cedar Revolution (Lebanon, 2005), Orange Revolution (Ukraine), Green Revolution (Iran), Jasmine Revolution, Arab Spring, and even Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution.
6) Start protests for whatever reasons to kick off the revolution. It could be human rights, democracy, government corruption or electoral fraud. Evidence isn't necessary; an excuse will do.
7) Write protest signs and banners in English to let Americans see and get American politicians and civilians involved.
8) Let those corrupted politicians, intellectuals and union leaders join the protests, and call upon all people with grievances to join.
9) The US and Europe mainstream media help continuously emphasize that the revolution is caused by injustice, thereby gaining the support of the majority.
10) When the whole world is watching, stage a false-flag operation. Fake an atrocity on the protesters. The target government will soon be destabilized and lose support among its people.
11) Add in violent agent provocateurs to provoke the police to use force. This will cause the target government to lose the support of other countries and become “delegitimized” by the international community.
12) Send politicians to the US, EU, UN to petition, so that the target government will face the threat of economic sanctions, no-fly zones, and even air strikes and an armed rebel uprising.

Shortly after the 911 incident in 2001, the Department of Defense issued a directive about attacking and overthrowing seven countries, including Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somali, Sudan and Iran, within five years. Although the plan wasn’t completed in five years, the US applied these 12 steps in the Arab Spring and war against terrorism for more than a decade.
Among these seven countries, some have been overthrown, some mired in a civil war, and some on the edge of collapse. Therefore, it is not by spontaneous civil movements that countries are overthrown. On the contrary, the revolts are carefully planned and plotted. In fact, overthrowing a country by means of civil unrest is far cheaper than sending troops to attack it. That's why the US kept applying these 12 steps against countries it deems as enemies.
Wesley Kanne Clark’s sharing:
Wesley Clark | Retired US Army General blows the whistle on war plans
Sounds familiar? Yes, they have been adopted too in "Occupy Central" in Hong Kong.
Wesley Kanne Clark’s sharing:
Wesley Clark | Retired US Army General blows the whistle on war plans
Sounds familiar? Yes, they have been adopted too in "Occupy Central" in Hong Kong.
"Occupy Central" in Hong Kong
The protests began with student strikes and assemblies against the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress’ decision on Hong Kong’s proposed electoral reform. On 28 September 2014, the incident evolved into “Occupy Central”. Protesters were unable to enter the forecourt of the Central Government Complex, so they went to occupy the area around the Central Government Complex in Admiralty. Protests were then extended to Central and Wanchai. Riot police then fired tear gas to disperse the crowd, but the situation became worse. Subsequently, more people joined the protests, which spread to Causeway Bay and Mongkok. The “Occupy Central” movement has lasted for over two weeks, attracting hundreds of thousands of demonstrators. Districts including Admiralty, Causeway Bay, and Mongkok were paralyzed for more than two weeks – something rarely seen in Hong Kong’s history. Although protesters call for democracy and the government has its responsibility to maintain effective governance, regardless of both sides’ arguments, from this movement we actually see clues to Freemasons’ false-flag operations.
Promoting or Destroying Democracy?
Shortly after the start of the “Occupy Central” movement, a Russian state-owned TV station pointed out that the demonstration was instigated by the UK and the US government. Later, some media reports said that Scholarism convenor, Joshua Wong, was trained by the US government and he has received funding from the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED). However, Joshua Wong issued a statement denying it, saying that those allegations are groundless.
According to analysis of Pastor Leung from the Hong Kong Church of Zion, the allegation that Joshua Wong was trained by the US government isn't true. The National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. But in fact, it is a US government-funded organization with an aim to overthrow different governments. Some people said that the “Arab Spring” in Egypt was instigated by the US government through NED. Ron Paul, a former US congressman and presidential candidate, once said that the US government’s move to promote democracy is actually destroying democracy.
The US always offers help to various countries in the name of democracy, but those countries being "helped" will end up not in democracy but constant instability and unrest. Ron Paul further mentioned that, since 1991, the US government, through NED and other institutions, has funded more than US$5 billion to promote democracy in Ukraine. In fact, ultimately, this is to cause Ukraine to have a pro-Western regime instead of a pro-Russian regime. That’s why Ukraine is now mired in division and is on the verge of a civil war. The purpose is to hit Russia hard, forcing Russia to take part in World War III.
During the Ukraine protests, a video called “I am a Ukrainian” was posted onto YouTube featuring a girl who asked for world’s support to help Ukrainians fight against the corrupted government for democracy. However, it was discovered later that the video was not filmed by Ukrainians at all, but instead by a man called Larry Diamond who has some connection with NED. The video made use of images and scenes to package and soft-promote the Ukraine revolution. The aim was to arouse discussions by the world community on the protests. They want people to have sympathy on the protesters and at the same time condemn the corrupted and brutal regime. However, the audiences didn't know that it was merely a drama.
YouTube Video: I am a Ukrainian
This 2-minute clip has been viewed over 8 million times. Similarly, in the "Occupy Central" movement, a similar 2-minute video was posted on YouTube. These two videos obviously share the same filming style.
YouTube Video: Hong Kongese: Please help Hong Kong
American Geopolitical Analyst: US Secretly Sponsored "Occupy Central"
As the world continues to watch the development of "Occupy Central" in Hong Kong, a US think tank researcher has published an article online, saying that Hong Kong's "Occupy Central" movement is similar to many incidents across the world, where US secretly instigated movements to overturn governments. Do you also discover that the protestors of "Occupy Central" have plenty of resources?
Tony Cartalucci, an American geopolitical analyst with "Land Destroyer", revealed that the US secretly sponsored "Occupy Central". He also pointed out that the purpose of the US infiltrating into Hong Kong's political arena is to turn the city into a center of foreign-funded subversion against China. "Occupy Central" organizer Benny Dai and Civic Party chairperson Audrey Eu had attended forums and activities organized by National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) many times. He said that the US Department of State has been supporting "Occupy Central" financially, politically and through the Internet. "Occupy Central" supporters, such as Next Media chairman Jimmy Lai, former head of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen and Scholarism leader Joshua Wong, all have close ties with NED and NDI. Earlier, Democratic Party founding chairman Martin Lee and former Chief Secretary Anson Chan met up with NED politicians in Washington. Lee even spoke at a NED seminar regarding Hong Kong's democratic progress. Cartalucci pointed out that the real aim of "Occupy Central" is to carry out a plan by Washington, Wall Street, and London called "soft recolonization". If Beijing ever agrees to let US-funded leaders run for office, what will be running Hong Kong will not be the people, but politicians manipulated by Western powers. On 10 October 2014, the Chinese government, through state-owned People's Daily, accused the US of engineering "Occupy Central" via NED. The situation is similar to the US instigating "Color Revolution" in different places, it said.
Recent media reports revealed that the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions annually applied for funds from the American Center for International Labor Solidarity, an affiliate of NED. It has received more than HK$13 million so far.
Related article: Entire "Occupy Central" Protest Scripted in Washington
How does the US Benefit from Causing Trouble in Hong Kong?
Pastor Leung analyzed that if the US wants to provoke the World War III, the US is bound to deal with Russia and China. And earlier on, the US has already caused the economy of Cyprus, which holds loads of Russian assets, to collapse. The US has also overturned the pro-Russian political power in Ukraine and staged a false-flag operation using Malaysia Airlines MH17 causing the US and EU, as well as countries around the world, to have an excuse to expand economic sanctions against Russia. At the same time, Russia stopped providing natural gas to the EU. Two of the most important economic back up of Russia is facing corruption. Russia is forced to war soon.
If the US were to deal with China, Hong Kong would be its first target. China also has its Cyprus and its Ukraine. China has a small city, which is responsible for delivering a large amount of gold and silver into the country through HSBC. And China’s business and economic development was highly dependent on it. And that is the Special Administrative Region - Hong Kong.
US Keeps Hegemony by Causing Trouble to Rest of World
The US may be a "World Police" to some of you, but the time she spends on making trouble to the world is far more than that on maintaining law and order. Why does she do so? The answer is simple: she needs to maintain her leading position in the world.

Regarding the politics, as for the Middle East in 2010, through the “Arab Spring”, the US overthrew uncooperative Middle East countries in the name of democracy. For example, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down. Subsequently, Morsi, who belonged to Muslim Brotherhood, won the election, but later, he was overthrown by the military. In these past few years, divisions remained in Egypt. And Libyan Gaddafi leader, who pursued gold-backed currency instead of the US dollar for oil trading, was discredited as “Mad Dog” and killed by rebels in Arab Spring movement. Subsequently, Libya constantly plunged into civil wars. The Arab Spring has also led Syria and Iraq into civil war. Rebels even established Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and occupied a large area in both countries.
Meanwhile, the US will not turn a blind eye on China, which holds the largest amount of US debts and is emerging as a world power. In recent years, China even suggested “de-dollarization” signing bilateral agreements with different countries to bypass the US dollar in trading throwing a real challenge to the US dollar. In fact, the US never sees China as a friend but an enemy. The US has declared its "Asia-Pacific Rebalance" strategy, where 60% of its navy forces will be in the Asia-Pacific region by 2020. The aim is to ally itself with various Asia Pacific countries to surround China.
The Insiders have used the Same Trick Over the Decades

They can simply achieve this by their same old trick "Order Out of Chaos" : 1) Creating a problem; 2) Interpreting it; 3) Providing a solution.
Final Note
By now, this “Occupy Central” protests have stretched for four weeks, far exceeding the reasonable time frame expected by most Hongkongers. This makes many think that the protests are not purely initiated by the citizens alone, but like the Ukraine crisis, once it started, the target wasn’t to reach a solution. Since protests erupted in Ukraine last year, the country has been on the verge of a civil war, not coming up with a solution. It’s because Freemasons were playing both the good and bad guys, trying to worsen the problems and confrontation.
The current protests in Hong Kong are in fact the same. Although both parties hope to negotiate to solve the crisis, they always fail to reach an agreement due to many strange coincidences, causing the problem to drag on and on, leaving a bigger, deeper scar. If this continues, Hong Kong will be led by Freemasons to end up like Ukraine and Cyprus, and suffer political and financial collapse. But no matter how the wave of protests will develop, the end point may be like what Pastor Leung predicted before "Occupy Central" ever happened. That is, Freemasons will use Hong Kong as a tool to deal a heavy blow to China, forcing China to take part in World War III.
By then, casualties will be over 100 times more than what is now. Therefore, as a wise Christian, we should Not take part in any side of this wave of protests in case we fall into Freemasons’ trap.
great post
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