
美基改作物恐致癌 俄暫停進口


俄羅斯暫時停止進口美國 農業生技巨擘孟山都(Monsanto)生產的基因改造玉米 。1項具爭議的研究報告指出,老鼠在食用孟山都生產 的玉米後罹患癌症。

 俄羅斯消費者權益保護局(Rospotrebnadzor)表 示,現正探究法國的研究結果,也委託俄羅斯1個機構 協助進一步解讀數據。 消保局本週發表在網站上的聲明說:「在我們取得 本案完整資訊前,暫時停止進口及銷售基因改造的玉米 NK603。」

 鑑於法國研究員拒絕讓歐盟糧食安全監管機構驗證 研究結果,這項研究受到強烈批評。 但法國康城大學(University of Caen)科學家表 示,監管機構率先批准孟山都生產的玉米,本身立場就 偏頗。 但美國及歐洲一些機構則認為研究的樣本數不夠多 ,也質疑數據的完整性。(譯者:中央社林亭儀) 1


(巴黎20日法新電)得知基因改造糧食致癌的老鼠試驗后,法國政府要求衛生監督機構對此展開調查。  農業部長勒佛爾、生態部長巴索和衛生與社會事務部部長都蘭表示,他們已要求社會保障局調查基因改造糧食致癌的上述大鼠試驗新發現。  



調查還顯示,與其他老鼠相比,吃改良基因玉米以及殺蟲劑的老鼠,死亡率高出兩三倍。  “NK603”改造基因玉米是由一家美國農業公司孟山都培育的。基因改良玉米在美國、加拿大、巴西和中國已廣泛種植,但在歐洲仍是一項激烈爭議的課題。



毀滅者行星(Planet X)與耶和華的日子

什麼是耶和華的日子?這日子與將要接近地球的Planet X行星有什麼關係?



今篇信息日華牧師以更深入為我們分析,當Planet X來臨時,地球會產生的現像,和政治上的演變。

Planet X接近地球,世界精英們早就知情和作出預備,在美國一元紙上埃及大金塔和頂上的全視之眼,已記載他們的計劃---新世界秩序(New Word Order)

國際上的改變有:從1972NASA發射的先鋒十號太空探索飛船,為了尋找Planet X1983 NASA向外公佈,於同年發射的IRAS 紅外線人造衛星發現了Planet X,並且在獵戶座的方向找到了這顆第十行星。


現時已有更多的証據,顯示地球點頭現像(Earth Wobbing),出現更頻密,這証明有一行星接近,其引力正影響地球的轉軸而導至搖晃,而在大氣層內則產生怪雲、怪風、怪浪等現像。


不單止Planet X接近產生毀滅性的災難,地球上的污染更不斷增加。

原因輻射使日本國民的免疫力下降,而原子能是會使人體加溫的,所以體溫比住年高,加上地球因為Planet X接近而不斷升溫。導至多人身體不能排出過多熱力而中暑。







4500年前Planet X來臨,使全地引發大洪水,挪亞一家八口進入方舟,方舟這個字就是約櫃一字。

3600年前摩西的媽媽將他放進蒲草箱,因此救了他的性命。蒲草箱這字就是約櫃一字,摩西後來成為以色列的拯救者,埃及法老王阻攔他們,神讓十災臨到全地。(Planet X 引發十災)


那麼三個約櫃出現之時,都是Planet X 來到的時候。
















生活在現代的都市人,無論是衣食住行都要以電力維持現代生活,連最基本的食水,人們都依賴政 府的水務處供應新鮮的淡水來維持生命所需。

但是,萬一發生地震、海嘯或火山爆發等的天然災害, 導致電力供應中斷的話,連自來水的供應都會中斷。


當電力供應中斷,政府不能再供應食水,而你身處的地帶沒有清澈又清潔的可飲用淡水時,就可以 用以下片段介紹的方法來自製濾水器。



Stay away from large groups and unorganized mobs. The potential for disaster is much greater in a mobmentality. Everyone is acting on instinct instead of rational thought. In the event of a global catastrophe,drinking water may become very hard to find. I’m going to show you how to make a water filter at the things which you can find lying around.


Alright. I’m going to show you how to make a water filter for absolutely free and it’s a good water filter too. I think you will be amazed.

First of all, we have a bottle. I’m using a 1-litre bottle here for demonstration. But you're gonna use a 2 or 3-litre bottle, or a plastic milk jug or a big Hi-C container, Something larger.

首先,你需要一個瓶子,我會用一個1 公升的瓶子做示範,但你可能需要一個2 或3 公升的瓶子,塑料奶壺或Hi-C 牌大果汁瓶,比這個更大的。

This is just for demonstration I have. It’s already cut off the bottom. I cut a little notches in this part so that the lid goes on in here.


OK, I get a rock. OK, I have some small pebbles. I have some medium-sized rocks. You've got sand. And we've got charcoal that are already pretty broken up into little BB sized pieces

好,我預備了一塊石頭。好,這裡還有些細卵石和中等大小的石塊。還有沙, 這裡還有木炭,已經給弄碎至非常細小的炭塊。

And I'll tell you how to do that as I'm demonstrating the filter. So first thing we're gonna do, is we're going to, Pick that up off the filler. And take this. Take a rock and put that down there like that as the blocker to keep everything from falling through. We're gonna take our middle-sized rocks here. And we're gonna put a bunch of this medium-sized rocks and then like that.

好,讓我示範如何做一個濾水器。首要作的,就是把水瓶這部分除下, 拿著這個, 取一塊石頭,像這樣放進去,以防東西從這裡漏出,然後取些中等大小的石塊,把這些中型的石塊,像這樣放進去。

OK? Then the next thing we're gonna do, We’re going to take a bunch of our pebble-sized rocks. We’re going to put them down, as such. You know there's a couple that'll drop out, but what will happen is that will eventually totally stop.


OK. So now we have that like that. What we’re gonna do, we are going to take our charcoal and we are gonna put that down in there like that. OK. Tap it down a little bit. Push it down in there until it’s nice and tight. Nice and packed in there.

Then we’re gonna want to take just one of these smaller rocks. Just put a thin layer on top of here, like that. This is where your sand comes in. Sand always goes from the top. Put your sand in there, as such. You want to leave a little space on top of here for pouring your water into.


Now, like I said, you’re gonna want to use a 2 or 3-litre bottle to do this because you’ll be able to filter more water and get the water much cleaner. This is just a quick demonstration to show you how well these filters work.

現在,如我所說,你可使用一個2 或3 升容量的瓶子,因為這樣能夠過濾更多的水,並且水會更清 潔,這只是一個快速顯示濾水器如何運作的示範。

So we have the rock, some medium-sized rocks, small little pebbles, layer of charcoal, a little layer ofsmaller rocks and then sand on the top of that, as you can see here. And that’s basically the construction ofthe water filter. Right there.


OK.Now for the cool part of the demonstration. I have already run a glass of water through here to rinse the dust of the charcoal. There’s always gonna be dust on it. You’re gonna want to run a glass to it if you’re using a 2 or 3-litre bottle. You’re gonna want to run a couple of glasses of water to, until you see the water come out clear. Then you’ll know you’ve rinsed all the carbon dust out of there.

好,現在就是示範中很棒的部分。我已經在這裡倒了一杯水去沖洗木炭的塵。木炭總會有塵。如果你使用的是2 或3 升的瓶子,你要倒一杯水進去。你要再倒幾杯水,直到你看到清晰的過濾水出來。然後,你就知道你已經清洗了所有碳塵。

But anyway, you can see this water. Very nasty, stagnant, floaters on the top. Pretty nasty stuff. You wouldn’t drink that in a million years. But once you put it through here, it’s going to be a lot better.



The Kolbrin Bible and Webbot Prediction Confirm Each Other

The Kolbrin bible, a historical Egyptian manuscript written 3600 years ago, recorded a lot about the last visit of Planet X (Destroyer), also in the time of Moses’ leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and the destructions and impacts brought by Planet X to Egypt and the earth.
In fact, in recent years, the disasters and conditions of the world are really similar to those recorded in the Kolbrin bible!

On the other hand, Webbot published the reports of “Future Recent History 2020” and “Your Last 26 days of life” on 29 January and 6 February 2012 respectively. It predicted the trend and change of the world after 2012!

The amazing part is that these two reports of Webbot prediction coincide with the ancient history in the Kolbrin bible in recording the various disasters brought about by the coming of Planet X!!

Obviously, the two confirm each other in validating the existence of Planet X and its impacts on earth.
They include:

1.   The Kolbrin bible recorded 3600 years ago that a large human population would die because of the coming of Planet X!
(The dead were no longer sacred and were thrown into the waters.)
In fact, Webbot also predicted in recent months that after 2012, there would be disasters and accidents leading to mass human deaths, and even the death of 1.2 billion and 89 million people in one of the disasters.

2. The Kolbrin bible mentioned that upon the arrival of Planet X, economy would cripple and rich people lose their wealth and wealth transfer would even happen!
(He who grew no grain now to own a storehouse full. Cattle were left unattended to roam into strange pastures, and men ignored their marks and slew the beasts of their neighbors. No man owned anything. The public records were cast forth and destroyed, and no man knew who were slaves and who were masters.)
Similarly, Webbot also predicted that wave of bankruptcy would begin to appear in 2012 and 90% of the world’s wealth would be gone; however, at the same time, the greatest wealth transfer in history would happen.

3. The Kolbrin bible recorded that when Planet X came, human nature would mutate and become irrational, and there would even be "polarization of humanity", along with riots, demonstrations, ousting of governments and masters of the time!

 (Man, stricken with terror, went mad at the awful signs in the Heavens. They were loosed from their senses and dashed about, crazed, not knowing what they did.)

(Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled, their bodies shook and their tongues lacked control. Their faces were twisted and the skin hung loose on their bones. They were as maddened wild beasts driven into an enclosure before flames; they knew no law, being deprived of all the wisdom they once had and who had guided them were gone.)

ell in tents in the outlands. Egypt lacked great man to deal with the times. The slaves left. Their multitude moved in the gloom of a half dawn, under a mantle of fine swirling grey ash.)

In fact, Webbot has also predicted that the solar wind in 2012 would affect human personality and emotion, leading to fury, mutation of human nature and polarization of humanity.

4. The Kolbrin bible recorded that when Planet X approached the earth, various unusual heavenly signs would appear, meteorites fall from the sky, and a second sun even appear!
(On its arrival, Destroyer became visible in the day skies, first as a Second Sun or Winged Globe, and then took a shape of writhing fiery dragon described by the ancients.)

(This tale of space debris consists of dust, gravel, meteorites, boulders and small asteroids, and sweeps the Earth during the Passage of “hail of stones”)

Even later during the visit to Egypt by the Greek Legislator Solon, the old priest of Egypt told him that Planet X caused many different disasters in Egypt and they found that the earth and other planets went off track and lightning from the sun destroyed their places.

(This legend has the air of a fable; but the truth behind it is a deviation of the bodies that revolve in heaven round the earth and a destruction occurring at long intervals of things on earth by a great conflagration.)

(Thus, the story current also in your part of the world, that Phaethon, child of the Sun, once harnessed his father’s chariot but could not guide it on his father’s course and so burnt up everything on the face of the Earth and was himself consumed by the thunderbolt.)

Unexpectedly, the Webbot report in January 2012 also foretold that the solar system would undergo a great change, including the reordering of the system, a new track for the earth, and even strange heavenly changes like the appearance of cosmic thunders, electric whips, drastic change of the sun leading to massive solar wind!

資料來源:2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria





人非有信,就不能得 神的喜悅;因為到 神面前來的人必須信有 神,且信他賞賜那尋求他的人。(希伯來書116







是否全球也攜手隱瞞Planet X的接近時所引起的超大型災難?
