在國際先知 Bob Jones 臨終時的預言裡,重點提到『開花結旺的蘋果樹』,原是指『情人的禮物』,並深深刻劃著一段神與人之間重新建立的愛情關係。
Vision of the Apple Tree
Now the Lord is saying that before the apple tree blooms this spring, their buds shall bloom. Although some of them are ancient promises they will bloom in the spring before the apple tree does and they will begin producing the fruit of righteousness.在《聖經.雅歌》一書,『蘋果』就是代表著「情人的禮物」;而國際先知 Bob Jones 臨終時的預言,當中所指這棵『開花結旺蘋果樹』,讓我們看見一段神與人們之間動人的愛情故事將快上演。
如 Bob Jones在異像結束時所見到,屬靈同時地開花發旺;但開花並是不代表我們的財富、虛榮、私慾等,而是明指我們與神的愛情和關係,以及向神心靈誠實的敬拜。
就是往後很多人因對真理的明白,使各人在靈魂裡與神和睦,能與日俱增地愛神、更像神、更委身跟從神、更容讓神的靈去掌控各人的良心,包括行為、作事和思想方式。最後,他亦指出教會將明白父神的性情和愛,並引用《約翰一書》4 章 8 節作結︰『沒有愛心的,就不認識神,因為神就是愛』。
Ministry of the Peacemakers
This is what I see; the blooming of the apple tree will be our blooming in the spirit and worshipping the Father in spirit and in truth. It's our human soul making peace by the knowledge of the Truth. It's bringing the soul in submission to the spirit and allowing the spirit man to be in control of our conscience (actions, deeds and thoughts). Then the body will understand the Father's divine nature; love. He loves you! Scripture plainly shows that God loves us; it's His nature because He is LOVE. (1 John 4:8) The peacemakers' entire nature will be characterized by His love and love will be the fruit they bear.
如 Bob Jones在異像結束時所見到,屬靈同時地開花發旺;但開花並是不代表我們的財富、虛榮、私慾等,而是明指我們與神的愛情和關係,以及向神心靈誠實的敬拜。
就是往後很多人因對真理的明白,使各人在靈魂裡與神和睦,能與日俱增地愛神、更像神、更委身跟從神、更容讓神的靈去掌控各人的良心,包括行為、作事和思想方式。最後,他亦指出教會將明白父神的性情和愛,並引用《約翰一書》4 章 8 節作結︰『沒有愛心的,就不認識神,因為神就是愛』。
爭戰武器.Wisdom of the ages
Armory of God's LOVE
The Lord has opened His armory,And has brought out the weapons of His indignation;For this is the work of the Lord God of hosts In the land of the Chaldeans. (Jer 50:25) God is arming the body of Christ with weapons of His divine love that the enemy has no defense against. We'll begin to see the army of God come together in unity, a common union, to where the enemy will have to leave entire cities. This army is getting ready to take entire cities and eventually entire states. In certain places in the world, they'll take entire nations. This is the year the army of God comes together with angels beyond number and weapons that cannot be defeated by the enemy. Angels are here now preparing the body for the harvest and there will be a mighty victory. This year, even the blooming of the trees is something that Satan can't stop from happening.預言中,Bob Jones 看見撒但會想去阻礙這棵蘋果樹開花結果,但卻不成功;因神的武器庫已經開啟,賜下了很多武器和天使去爭戰,並且賜下一件過去從未給予過任何人的爭戰武器。相信這爭戰武器就是這群 Peacemaker(使人和睦)的。
因在不久將來,進入春季的時候,預言中提到的這群 Peacemaker出現就是帶起了神與人和好的復興,令人與神和好,並非使人與人之間關係變得和睦。
其中,這群人最大的特徵,便是擁有著『和平之君』所羅門般智慧而出現在人眼前。不約而同地,由2009年至今,錫安教會所分享的「2012 榮耀盼望」有關信息,日華牧師對現時整個世界局勢的演變、群眾心理趨向、大自然的急劇變化、政局和經濟的趨勢的預先估計也一一準確地應驗,這不就是屬時代智慧( Wisdom of Ages)嗎?
誠然,《聖經》早已記載現今局勢發展,但有誰可以如「2012 榮耀盼望」信息般,不但正確無誤地詮譯《聖經》內隱藏的各個奧秘、更讓世人看見神的真實呢?神歷代歷世的工作,包括你想知道的,全部答案就在這裡︰《2012榮耀盼望》。
先知Bob Jones 最後的 ﹣蘋果樹的異象
THE COMING PROMISE﹣Vision of the Apple Tree
THE COMING PROMISE﹣Vision of the Apple Tree