
特稿 ﹣ 冒出甲烷-危險的太平洋板塊

近日,全球多處地底會冒出大量沼氣(化學名稱為甲烷氣 CH4)。由上年而直至今年三月,已有大量甲烷氣體分別於洛杉磯海岸、阿拉斯加與格陵蘭附近的北極範圍,甲烷氣泡噴泉數目多達十五萬個,這能是來自太平洋板塊的移動。Webbo上年9月預測太平洋版塊會斷裂及新陸地出現,最後觸發「全球性海岸線事件」。近來,太平洋板塊的活躍移動,就是就是發生的先兆。


美國科學家於《自然地球科學》(Nature Geo Science)發表研究,表示發現在阿拉斯加與格陵蘭附近的北極範圍,驚現十五萬個甲烷氣泡噴泉。


‘Large release’ of methane off Los Angeles coast: gas could be from shift in tectonic plates
〔ENE News〕March 6, 2013 – CALIFORNIA - Authorities say a foul odor that spurred calls to fire departments throughout the city on Sunday is possibly the result of the large release of methane in the Santa Monica Bay. Santa Monica Fire said in a department statement that they believe the strong odor was caused by a naturally occurring methane leak below the ocean floor. “This morning there was a large release of natural ocean floor methane released in the Santa Monica Bay,” the statement said. and the collapsing or subduction of the Western Regions of the Ring of fire in the Far East, that these collapsing plates will eventually pull the Northern Regions of South America to the west into the Pacific Ocean, and tear away South America from Central America.

Tectonic plates moving again: will South America split away from Central America?
March 7, 2013 – GEOLOGY – One of the expectations of Earth Change researchers is that with the evidence of the folding of the tectonic plates under the Pacific Ocean.The earthquakes along the eastern regions of those same plates that were jutting up against South America along the Andes, from the tip of South America upwards to Peru were increasing exponentially. As the South American coastline is being pulled over the Nazca Plate, what has been called the “South American Roll” has been activating earthquakes . It would be expected that the officials in charge of the buoys deployment and activation would hesitate to let the southern continent know about the devastation that will soon come their way.


自從 2012年3 月大地震後,屬「太平洋 地帶」(Pacific ring of fire)的日本沿岸國土多處,出現地殼晃動、路面移動,及地面出現深呼吸等罕見現象。
  • 2011 年 9 月 16 日,太平洋火環帶的斐濟群島區發生一次 7.2 級地震
  • 同日,日本本州東北部海域發生裏氏 6.6 級地震,東海岸附近海域再次發生 6.2 級地震
  • 2011 年 9 月 15 日,美國阿拉斯加外海「阿留申群島」的尼爾群島發生一次 6.1 級地。震,震源深度僅 1 公里。
  • 同日,太平洋火環帶的紐西蘭對開克馬德克群島南面,發生一次 6 級地震
  • 同日,日本本州東面近岸發生一次 6.2 級地震,震源深度 10 公里
  • 同日,太平洋火環帶的斐濟群島區發生一次 7.2 級地震。
  • 在 2011 年 9 月 2 日,美國阿拉斯加附近海域正發生極為罕見的 7.1 級淺層強震


板塊斷裂:2012 年 9 月, Web Bot 驚人地預測,太平洋板塊將會斷裂,之後便會產生龐大的海嘯。因板塊產生的磨擦而形成的斷裂,就是在俄立崗州、華盛頓、加利福尼亞州、BC 加拿大和溫哥華。這就是在這些斷裂的地方,裂開而沉到海底的地方。

新陸地出現:同時,Web Bot亦預測地球將會出現新陸地的事件。太平洋板塊地區是其中一個會出現出新陸地的地方。會導致半島斷裂,而新陸地的形成也會引發海嘯,並且會影響加利福尼亞州,加利福尼。些資料顯示,加利福尼亞州、墨西哥、中美洲、委內瑞拉等地方都會產生新陸地。





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