



今年9 月,巴勒斯坦政府正式在聯合國提出,要求聯合國會員投票,承認巴勒斯坦國,並要求以色列將在1967 年6 日戰爭所得的土地,包括東耶路撒冷、戈蘭高地和整個加沙地帶及西岸送給巴靳斯坦,而整個移交土地的過程,可能會在2012 年底完成。


…from hostile invasion and terror.
Israel is a small state surrounded by Arab countries 650 times in size.
以色列是一個被比她大650 倍的阿拉伯國家所圍繞的一個小國。
Some of which with large bases of global terror, only 44 miles separated between the Jordan Valley and the Mediterranean Sea.
其中一些國家擁有龐大的全球恐怖分子基地,而當中把約旦河谷及地中海分隔開來的距離只有44 英里。
And for the 6 days war in 1967, when Israel was attacked by 4 armies on 3 fronts.
在1967 年的6 日戰爭時,以色列受到4 隊敵軍,從三個不同方向攻擊。
United Nation Security Council Resolution 242 stated that Israel was entitled to new defensible borders to replace the previous fragile lines from which it was attacked.

聯合國安理會第242 條决議定明:以色列可以擁有全新的防衛國界,以取代舊有被攻擊的脆弱國界。
What are Israel’s defensible borders?
What are its essential security needs?
The Jordan Rift Valley, Israel’s eastern frontier forms a natural barrier between Israel and the countries of Jordan, Iraq and Iran.
The Jordan Valley rises from area that is 1200 feet below sea level to a hilly ridge of up to 3000 feet,creating a steep 4200 feet virtual wall opposite any force attacking from the east.
約旦河谷從水底以下1200 呎的地方向上伸延成為海拔3000 呎的山脊,形成一道高達4200 呎的陡峭屏障,可以抵禦來自東面的攻擊
The growing threat of global Jihad activity near Israel’s borders requires it to prevent infiltrations of terrorists and weapons.

When Israel left the Philadelphi Corridor in Gaza, it became a highway for the infiltration of terrorists and the flow of hundreds of tons of ammunition and weaponry of all of the Arab world aimed at Israeli civilians.
The Jordan Valley is the equivalent of Gaza’s Philadelphi Corridor in the West Bank, mountain ridge, runs in up to 3000 feet.
約旦河谷這個海拔接近3000 呎高的山脊,其作用等同位於西岸加薩地區的菲拉德爾菲走廊,
It dominates Israel’s major coastal cities where more than 70% of its population, 80% of industry and all of its airfields and seaports are located.
Missiles launched from Jordan hills pose an immediate threat to Jerusalem, Israel capital.

Israel’s only international airport, Ben Gurion would be in the range of even primitive rockets, while all
planes taking and landing will be threatened by shoulder launch anti-aircraft missiles.
甚至,以色列唯一的國際機場 ── 本古裏安國際機場,將會在一些原始飛彈的射程之內,
More advance weaponry will be able to hit virtually any point in Israel.

If Israel were forced back to the 1949 Armistice line, the green line, the country’s width will be reduced to a narrow 9 mile waist line.
若然,以色列將要被逼退回到1949 年的停戰協議指定的綠色疆界線,以色列國土將僅有9 英里闊,
It will be impossible to defend.

That’s why any future arrangement must include Israeli control over key areas of the mountain ridge and a demilitarized Palestinian state.
Israel’s narrow border means a combat aircraft can cross the entire country in only 4 minutes.
以色列狹窄的邊界使一架戰機可以在4 分鐘內飛越以色列整個國境。
In less than 2 minutes, an enemy plane would penetrate the country’s airspace by the Jordan Valley and reach Jerusalem.
僅在2 分鐘之內,敵軍的戰機,足可進入在約旦河谷的機場及耶路撒冷。
In order to foil an aerial attack on Jerusalem, a hostile plane must be shot down at least 10 miles east of the capital to prevent it from crashing it to major population subjects.
為著制止針對耶路撒冷的空襲和主要人口密集地區的攻擊,敵軍戰機進入耶路撒冷東面最少10 英里範圍內時,以色列必須已能將其摧毀。
Therefore, Israel must be able to identify hostile planes before it cross the Jordan River line and intercept them shortly after.
To defend itself, Israel must control the airspace over the West Bank.
Israel’s transportational arteries and in particular the Trans Israel highway enable travel and connection
between Israel’s regions.
They also assure the mobility of the Israel defense forces in case of attack.
Protection of these vital arteries is essential.
In order to ensure that
1. Civilians aren’t victims of terrorists gunfire
1. 平民百姓不會成為敵人炮火的犧牲者;
2. Regions of the country cannot easily be cut off
2. 全國地區的聯繫不會被輕易截斷;
3. The mobility of Israel’s defense forces is not hindered in the case of invasion
3. 以色列調動防衛軍時,不會因被攻擊而受阻。
To defend itself, Israel must control its main arteries of transportation.
There is enormous uncertainty about future trends in the Middle East.
中東地區的局勢越來越趨向不明朗,Iran is determined to become the supreme power as the US withdraws from Iraq.
No one can guarantee the future of many of the current regimes in the region.
Today more than ever, it is crucial to ensure defensible borders for Israel.

從以上的片段可見,證明以色列必須保存西岸,並擁有西岸的制空權,才可作出及時的防衛 。
明年2012 年,若以色列真的交還整個西岸給巴勒斯坦的話,會否因以色列失卻防衛能力,而引發回教國家旋即向以色列發動戰爭?

早在2005 年8 月,以色列交還西岸和加沙地帶的25 個殖民區給巴勒斯坦,而25 個殖民區當時被逼遷的總人口,只是約一萬人左右,對比今次以色列可能要交出的土地,只是小巫見大巫,今次所涉及的面積和受影響的人數,最少是當年的數十倍以上。

按照著神對以色列人保護的應許,以及對以色列敵人的24 至48 小時審判的原則,在上一次2005 年,美國因迫使以色列交還25 個殖民區所得到的報應,就是美國史上最大的天災 ── 颶風卡特里娜吹擊新奧爾良。
但以理書 9 章27 節:

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